Gypsy Soul

I had felt the warning, humming in my blood.

There were forces coming against us for what we have always been.

We were nothing to them but an abomination of their god.

We were the epitome of their fear, their anger, their hate

because we encompassed that which they did not understand.

We lived as we chose, bound by no rules that man had made.

We lived in nature, guided by the hand of the Goddess who answered only to the Universe at hand.

We sought to heal, to love, to be one with the forces around us.

We were not bound by the laws of men, to be chained to the will

and forced into a submissive role we were never meant to house.

We were the rising power. We were the hope at hand.

We were the fortune tellers. We lived as one with this land.

They came for us with fire. They came for us with rope.

I was wandering the forest and could not make it home.

They burned the houses we built. They burned the tools of our trade.

They burned the babes we made.

We were slaughtered and hung like animals.

We were worth less than the meat they ate.

We were innocent and free. We lived as one with the wind and the tides.

We danced around the fire to celebrate the beauty of our life.

We were given gifts and we were given as gifts to this world.

We were misunderstood.

We were stoned for being what we were born to be.

We were outcast in the best of circumstances. We were murdered in the worst.

I could not get to you.

I ran. I ran until my strength escaped me.

I ran from the mobs of men who sought to send us straight to hell,

thinking that was where we belonged.

They never saw that we were children, living as the Universe intended.

I have lived many lifetimes since then

but the guilt, it follows me.

I can not forgive myself for not being faster on my feet.

My senses did not see the danger in time to save you.

I was not fast enough to see.

I had faith in my fellow man but, in the end, I was deceived.

I thought someone would step forward with reason and make them see.

I was wrong. I was too late. I lost you all. I will never be free.



I hesitate to use this phrase but this is inspired by a song “Palm Reader” by Anna Madsen. I hesitate to use that phrase because this video awakened what has always felt like a memory of a previous life. You can find the video on youtube and I highly recommend it. I am a gypsy soul in more ways than I care to explain and this video sends shivers through my soul every time I see it.

This…. This is me. This is my gypsy soul.

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